Neal Feay logo

133 S La Patera Ln Goleta, California 93117-3291, US

Neal Feay

Neal Feay is the global leader in creative aluminum with over 60 years of experience in cutting-edge manufacturing technology and design. They are the inventors of the process for multi-colored anodizing, continuously pushing boundaries in texture, form, color, and application. The company collaborates with a wide range of top-tier artists, architects, designers, and manufacturers. Neal Feay specializes in innovative aluminum solutions and is based in Santa Barbara, with additional locations in New York and Hong Kong.

Neal Feay logo

Neal Feay

Neal Feay is the global leader in creative aluminum with over 60 years of experience in cutting-edge manufacturing technology and design. They are the inventors of the process for multi-colored anodizing, continuously pushing boundaries in texture, form, color, and application. The company collaborates with a wide range of top-tier artists, architects, designers, and manufacturers. Neal Feay specializes in innovative aluminum solutions and is based in Santa Barbara, with additional locations in New York and Hong Kong.

133 S La Patera Ln Goleta, California 93117-3291, US