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APT (A-P-T Research, Inc.) logo


4950 Research Drive Huntsville, AL 35805, US

APT (A-P-T Research, Inc.)

A-P-T Research, Inc. (Analysis, Planning, Test Research, or "APT") is an employee-owned, small business based in Cummings Research Park, in beautiful Huntsville, Alabama. APT provides professional engineering services in a variety of disciplines including systems engineering, risk assessment and analysis, test planning, range safety, system safety, explosives safety, industrial and quality engineering, software development and modeling, and related areas. APT currently supports more than 50 customers of which approximately 40 are government agencies. Our personnel are owners and each shares in the commitment to APT's corporate mission of continually providing state-of-the-art expertise and ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction.

APT (A-P-T Research, Inc.) logo

APT (A-P-T Research, Inc.)

A-P-T Research, Inc. (Analysis, Planning, Test Research, or "APT") is an employee-owned, small business based in Cummings Research Park, in beautiful Huntsville, Alabama. APT provides professional engineering services in a variety of disciplines including systems engineering, risk assessment and analysis, test planning, range safety, system safety, explosives safety, industrial and quality engineering, software development and modeling, and related areas. APT currently supports more than 50 customers of which approximately 40 are government agencies. Our personnel are owners and each shares in the commitment to APT's corporate mission of continually providing state-of-the-art expertise and ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction.


4950 Research Drive Huntsville, AL 35805, US